Parishioners care for and beautify their Church.

Taking care of God's House

"...we will not neglect the house of our God" (Nehemiah 10:39).

This verse speaks to the importance of the place of worship and our responsibility to tend to it. At St. Ann's we understand our first responsibility as good stewards is to take care of each other, but we also need to tend to our spiritual home. Just like our own homes, we want it to look nice when we have visitors. that means cleaning, keeping things tidy, painting, making sure we have supplies. We want your first impression of St. Ann's to be friendly, accepting, warm and welcoming.

At. St. Ann's we are blessed with four main buildings: our Church, and Education Building, parish Office building and Social/Parish Hall. All these buildings, like any building, will erode and deteriorate over time without proper care. Volunteers play a vital role when they share their time and talent to preserve our beautiful campus.

Thank you to all who share their time and talent:

  • and help our small staff maintain these buildings.
  • with grounds, improvement and clean up.
  • on landscaping/gardening
  • on painting/repairs
  • on treating St. Ann's as your spiritual home!
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