Twice a month, a half hour before the 4pm Mass (3:30pm), and the
8am Mass (7:30am), join the
Knights of Columbus as they pray the Rosary.
See the parish bulletin for Monthly dates.
Knights Pancake Breakfast
Second Sunday of each month
(unless otherwise stated)
from 9am until 10:45am
$8 Adults - $4 Kids under 12
Now accepting Visa and Master Card
(Debit and credit cards)
Come and enjoy a delicious hot breakfast while supporting the Knights!
The Knights Corner
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Council 13571
“Strength in Service & Brotherhood”
Who We Are
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic fraternal organization founded on the principles of charity, unity, and fraternity. As men of faith, we are called to serve our Church, support our parish family, and provide aid to those in need. We invite Catholic men to join us in this mission of faith-filled service, fellowship, and spiritual growth.
If you’ve ever considered joining us or know of a sound Catholic man who might be, contact Bob Dodge, Membership Director at
Men of Faith
Jesus reminds us that true greatness lies in service. As Knights, our calling is to uplift those in need, to strengthen the bonds of fraternity, and to be men of action in our parish and community. Just as Christ healed and ministered to the suffering, we are called to be His hands and feet on earth. We serve with love and purpose, knowing that even the smallest act of charity has eternal significance.
We Pray . . .
Lord, help us to be men of action, faith, and compassion. May our service bring hope to others and strengthen our community in unity and love. Amen.
News & Announcements:
Knight of the Month: Last month, we recognized Andrew Policastro,
long-time St. Ann’s parishioner, for his outstanding dedication to our mission of charity, unity, and fraternity.
Thank you, Andy, for your great ongoing service!
New Members Joining: This month, we’ll be conducting an Exemplification Ceremony for several incoming Knights who will receive full honors as Third-Degree Knights of Columbus. They will soon be recognized in this section.
For additional information about The Knights of Columbus Council #13571 contact George Miller, Grand Knight at