Faith Formation:   Everything you need to know about the program


Faith Formation Orientation 2024-2025   (Anyone wanting to Register after deadline of 9/15/24; please call Dr. Navarro)

Faith Formation is to educate students who do not attend Catholic School, the traditions, customs and beliefs of the Catholic Faith. We use a Gospel oriented program that builds upon the education yearly. Faith Formation is an ongoing process and does not stop with Confirmation but helps us to continue to learn each and everyday ways to draw closer to God.

- Parents and students
must be registered parishioners of St. Ann's Parish. 

- If you are a registered parishioner of another parish, please supply letter from your parish Priest 

- Must provide copy of Baptismal Certificate at time of Registration, no exceptions.

 NEW 2024-2025 Class Schedule - All Classes begin in the Education Building

           Grades K thru 7th             
Sunday morning  from 9am - 10:30am     

 Grade  8th                        Thursday Evening from 6:30pm - 8pm

   Note:  Confirmation Students - Parent must provide copy of Baptismal and First Holy Communion Certificates.

   All absences need to be reported to the Faith Formation Office, and all classwork are to be made up.

Pick up and Dropoff

It is important that students be on time.

Students will only be released to a parent or someone the parent has designated in writing. Please inform us also if carpooling.

Students can only be picked up from their classrooms. NO student will be allowed to leave the building without their parent or designated adult.


First incident: Teacher will handle.

Second incident: Student is sent to Faith Formation office.

Third incident: Parent meeting

Dress Code

Same dress code rules as Volusia County School System – NO CLEATS

NONE of the following are allowed:

Weapons of any kind, drugs or alcohol

ZERO Tolerance Policy in effect

Personal items (toys or electronic equipment)

ALL CELL PHONES must be turned off or left at home. Cell phones found on or being used during class or opening prayer, will be taken away.
Parents will be required to retrieve it from office of Faith Formation.

Sacramental Prep

First Reconciliation: Baptized, two consecutive years of Faith Formation (with good attendance) and be at least in 2nd grade.

Sacramental prep classes completed (4) sessions which are separate from weekly classes. Classes are held on 4 consecutive Wednesdays starting
at 7pm.
Dates to be announced.

First Communion: Baptized, two consecutive years of Faith Formation (with good attendance) and be at least in 2nd grade.

Sacramental prep classes completed (4) sessions which are separate from weekly classes. Classes are held on 4 consecutive Wednesdays starting
at 7pm.
Dates to be announced.

Confirmation:  Baptized, already received 1st Reconciliation and 1st Communion, two consecutive years of Faith Formation (with good attendance),
30 hours of community service.

Sacramental prep classes completed (4) sessions which are separate from weekly classes. Classes are held on 4 consecutive Wednesdays starting
at 7pm.
Dates to be announced.

Community Service

At St. Ann’s Confirmation Candidates are required to have 30 hours of community service which they can begin accumulating in 6th grade.

Defined as: Doing something for someone else without receiving anything in return.

(Babysitting for siblings, or household chores, do not qualify as community service hours.)

Any questions contact Dr. Navarro, Faith Formation Administrator at (386) 668-8270.


For 1 Child - $75

For 2 Children - $90

For 3 or more - $110

Scholarships available - must meet requirements, contact Dr. Navarro at (386) 668-8270.

Crafts & Projects

The students often work on crafts and projects during the year. We will be making an effort to “show off” their talents a bit more by displaying them,
in the Education Building hallways, or when appropriate, in the Parish Hall on "Coffee and Donuts” Sunday fellowship time.
All are encouraged to stop by and see their creations when displayed.

Mandatory Parent Classes

During the course of the school year there will be four (4) Mandatory Parent Classes. Attendance at these classes by one or both parents or guardian is expected. These will be conducted in the Parish Hall concurrently with Faith Formation classes. Additional parent meetings during the year will be necessary as children prepare for their sacramentals. Dates to be announced.

Guest presenters

To be announced, if any.

Circle of Grace 2024-2025


Check off list for Registration of Faith Formation 2024-2025

____ Read Orientation

____ Parish Registration completed, only if not registered at St. Ann's

____ Faith Formation Registration form completed.

____ MUST Provide copy of BAPTISM Certificate with Registration

____ Medical Release filled out and signed.

____ Photo Release signed.

____ Circle of Grace signed and dated.

____ COVID-19 Assumption

____ Check attached (CASH must turned in personally - do not attach)

          *Payment must be included with Faith Formation Registration

          *Payment arrangements can be made directly through the Faith Formation Office, please call Dr. Navarro at (386) 668-8270 to set up an appointment.




Fees Collected: (reminder to give parent copy of receipt of payment)

[  ] Paid Online - see Office for receipt of online payment.

[  ] Check #_________    Amount $_____

[  ] Cash: Amount $______

[  ] Scholarship (Attach detailed information)


Received by Faith Formation Office (Please Print)

Date: ________________________



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